Make a Difference!

If you want to take your involvelment with Lyme Disease Challenge one step further, you can always organize events locally.


You can setup local events to raise funds for LivLyme Foundation. Examples include:

Restaurants: Many restaurants have structured fundraiser programs for nonprofit organizations. You can schedule an event by submitting an application. Once you’re approved, you can invite your family and friends, and the restaurant will donate a portion of their sales to a nonprofit like LivLyme Foundation.

Golf Tournaments: Consider reaching out to golf courses in your area to setup a fundraiser tournament. Or, you may want to coordinate with an existing tournament to choose Lyme disease as the designated cause.

Company Events: You can always talk to your HR to see if they can arrange for a fundraiser during xmas parties, summer events, or other social gatherings.

Bite Events:

Grab a lime, share a fact, take bite. Don’t forget to take a picture and share it online publicly!

Sporting Events: Whether it’s a professional sporting event or your child’s soccer or baseball practice, you can always arrange for a bite during the halftime.

School Events: You can arrange with your child’s school to take a bite during a school-sponsored event, or organize a small-scale event within your child’s classroom.

Company Events: You can always talk to your HR to see if they can arrange for a bite event during xmas parties, summer events, or other social gatherings.